
Arthritis / Osteoarthritis / Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Testimonial from Robin M.
“I came to try the Migun massage bed having some discomfort from osteoarthritis in my neck, spine, hips and hands. I had stiffness and ‘rice crispy’ sounds in my neck, and had my left hip joint replaced two years-ago. I also had some digestive issues and poor circulation in hands and feet. After ten sessions over a two-week period, I noticed some definite improvements. By the end of the first week my digestion seemed to be faster and more efficient and my circulation was also better. Early in the second week I saw an increase in the range of motion in my neck. The ‘snap, crackle, pop’ sounds were less noticeable and my neck area was more comfortable and flexible. By the end of the second week I had more range of motion in both hips and a little more flexibility in my lower back also. I have been sleeping longer and have had an increased feeling of well-being since starting my Migun experience.”

A Testimonial from Kerstin D.
“I am looking forward to getting on the Migun bed every day and I always feel good when I get off! It helps me warm up my body during the cold winter days and lessens my pain due to osteoarthritis in my lower back, neck and shoulder. My digestive problems seem to disappear much quicker now. When I leave from Migun my whole state of mind is good and positive, my quality of life has improved since using the bed.”

A Testimonial from Betsy B. 08/08/06
“After my first session on the Migun bed I had a 50% reduction in pain in my thumbs which have been arthritic for several years. The pain was gone by the second visit. Also, in the middle of the night, my right arm would go numb and I frequently get up to shake it out. Since the Migun bed experience I haven’t had that happen. I think I’m in love.”

A Testimonial from Beverly J.
“I have arthritis of the spine which causes hip pain and sciatica. I was very skeptical of the bed, but after the first session, my pain was less. After three sessions, it was gone. I’m now tucking my arthritic thumb under the lights.”

A Testimonial from Kathleen B.
“I am 56 years-old, have Rheumatoid arthritis and also, because of a displaced rotator cuff of my left should, have been experiencing numbness in my left arm. I have been visiting the beds twice a week and the results have been great. I no longer have the numbness in my arm and have been able to stop the physical therapy I was going to twice a week. It has also helped my RA, especially in my legs and feet. I am hoping to increase visits to at least three times weekly, and look forward to even better results.”

A Testimonial from Jim H.
“I am 94 years-old. I bought a Migun bed about two years-ago. I feel that is has kept my cholesterol and blood pressure levels normal. I believe it helps my arthritic shoulder some. I think it may be a factor in keeping my energy levels up. In any case, I don’t hesitate to recommend it for improvement of almost anybody’s overall health.”

Back Pain / Sciatica / Neck Pain / Shoulder Pain

A Testimonial from Betsy B. on 02/08/06

“After my first session on the Migun bed I had a 50% reduction in pain in my thumbs which have been arthritic for several years. The pain was gone by the second visit. Also, in the middle of the night, my right arm would go numb and I frequently get up to shake it out. Since the Migun bed experience I haven’t had that happen. I think I’m in love.”

A Testimonial from R. K.

“After my first visit, my tennis elbow felt wonderful. It had been hurting for days.”

A Testimonial from Sharon B.

“I have been in a wheelchair for over 2 years. The MIGUN Therapy has helped my 
mobility and circulation. I can now stand straight and get in and out of my chair easier.”

A Testimonial from J. B.

“Have had knee problem for a couple of years. Have had improvement with treatment but still some pain. After 4 times on the Migun table, I realized that the remaining pain was leaving and the leg feels better.”

A Testimonial from Diane F.

“Stiffness in my back and neck, which I didn’t even know I had, disappeared.”

A Testimonial from Kathy B.

“MIGUN has given me my mobility back!”

A Testimonial from Barbara K. W. on 09/06/06

“I’m happy to report that I walked into Migun with a toothache this afternoon and after a half-hour on the bed, it was gone! I’m looking forward to experiencing other improvements. Thanks, Migun!”

A Testimonial from Robin M.

“I came to try the Migun massage bed having some discomfort from osteoarthritis in my neck, spine, hips and hands. I had stiffness and ‘rice crispy’ sounds in my neck, and had my left hip joint replaced two years-ago. I also had some digestive issues and poor circulation in hands and feet. After ten sessions over a two-week period, I noticed some definite improvements. By the end of the first week my digestion seemed to be faster and more efficient and my circulation was also better. Early in the second week I saw an increase in the range of motion in my neck. The ‘snap, crackle, pop’ sounds were less noticeable and my neck area was more comfortable and flexible. By the end of the second week I had more range of motion in both hips and a little more flexibility in my lower back also. I have been sleeping longer and have had an increased feeling of well-being since starting my Migun experience.”

A Testimonial from Kerstin D.

“I am looking forward to getting on the Migun Therapy Table every day and I always feel good when I get off! It helps me warm up my body during the cold winter days and lessens my pain due to osteoarthritis in my lower back, neck and shoulder. My digestive problems seem to disappear much quicker now. When I leave from Migun my whole state of mind is good and positive, my quality of life has improved since using this therapy.”

A Testimonial from Genise K.

“There is a patient of mine who unfortunately sustained severe herpes zoster and has developed post herpetic neuralgia. She has severe pain that is interfering with quality of her life. Her pain is mostly located on her face and neck. She loses sleep over this. She has recently tried Migun Therapy Table and has found a significant amount of pain relief from therapy. Neuralgias have been found to be relieved by this type of treatment. The Migun Therapy Table is FDA approved with a 510K clearance for use (K041200-registration number pound 8901588). This is based on acupressure principle which has been shown to cause improvement in pain in clinical trial and so using this therapy is probably more effective with a very low chance of side effects compared to the medication she has tried in the past with no significant improvement. Eventually, her symptoms will hopefully be lessened. However, at the present time the post herpetic neuralgia is very severe and I feel that the Migun Therapy Table is an effective means of pain control.”

A Testimonial from L. Sherp

“I was a nurse for 20 years plus and I was injured on the job 15 years ago. I have seen everyone, therapist, doctors. Used medicines, tens units, everything. Nothing worked. I was in daily pain to the point I could not pull up my own pants. I’m young and was scared it would get worse. A friend told me about the bed, I thought, ‘Sure, nothing else works.’ She pushed me until I came in. I was in tears before my visit, I was in so much pain. After two visits I can lift my arm again. I sleep and work and feel great. Thank you for this rescue.”

A Testimonial from Lorna

“I was nearly killed in a bad car accident 22 years-ago and have had chronic pelvic pain. I had my first Migun treatment today and it was my first day with no pain and I had freer lower body movement.”

A Testimonial from Judy S.

“After 8 years of shoulder pain with numbness in fingers and thumb, and 5 years of chronic knee pain, five sessions have resulted in restored feeling in fingers and thumb and a pain-free knee. Wonderful experience.”

A Testimonial from Diane S.

“I had reoccurring neck pain, to the point I could not move my neck side to side. After using the MIGUN Therapy Table, I can press on my neck with no soreness to touch, with unbelievable relief. Nothing “cracked or popped,” the bed gently moved my neck into alignment.”

Blood Pressure / Cholesterol / Type 2 Diabetes

A Testimonial from Anatoliy M.

“A must have for people with diabetes. When I began using Migun Therapy Table last September my blood sugar level was 160 and today is 90, welcome change for one with diabetes. But not only that-I also lost 20 pounds. Thank you very much for this health boost.”

A Testimonial from Karen P. on 10/03/06

“After six months of using the Migun Therapy 4-5 times a week, I am 90% free from muscle and joint pain due to fibromyalgia. I’ve had CFS and fibro for 6 years. It has also lessened my reactions of chemical sensitivities. Now I have purchased a Migun Therapy Table and expect more improvement and years of better health. My husband is now off of blood pressure meds. Thank you so much Migun and staff! You are wonderful!”

A Testimonial from Cindy H.

“BP taken at the doctor’s office has lowered from 180/90 to 148/72. Cholesterol has dropped from 240 to 201 to 190; HDL/LDL ratio is very good. Stiffness/pain in back, shoulders, hip knees has eased significantly. More energy and increased strength.”

A Testimonial from Leslie M.

“If I miss using the Migun for any length of time-blood sugar levels go up, blood pressure goes up as well. Numbness and tingling in extremities return. I can’t turn my head, my back aches and my thyroid levels go down. Migun has changed the quality of my life.”

A Testimonial from Alice G.

“Feeling like I was home free, I returned from the doctor’s office with a 50% reduction in my blood glucose level. This resulted after a summer of using the Migun Therapy. Early on, I used the Migun twice a week. Later, I progressed to three times weekly, but because I learned of research on type 2 diabetes improving best utilizing the bed four times a week, I began in earnest before my next doctor’s appointment. Though I had always practiced other things, like exercise, a good diet, and attention to supplement intake, results did not take shape until I began the Migun sessions. More frequency made a hit. This is to say nothing of other improvements in my musculoskeletal, in my energy and my sleep patterns. So I purchased Migun Table, and I can’t wait for all the health I am going to acquire in the future…a super way to relax, heal and strengthen all at the same time!”

A Testimonial from Musab A. – Winnipeg, Canada

“I have used Migun for 4 months. I observed that my blood pressure was dropping down continuously to 130/75. Before Migun, even with medication, my blood pressure was always above 140/80. My blood sugar was dropping down after each session. Now I’m looking forward to trying it twice a day. I hope I will be able to stop all medications.”

A Testimonial from Cynthia A.

“I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 18 months-ago. I was experiencing backaches in the morning and higher blood sugars in the mornings. I experienced intermittent tingling/numbness in feet.

My morning blood sugars have stayed in the normal range. I have had no episodes of numbness or tingling in my feet since using Migun Therapy.”

A Testimonial from Mary

“I’ve been off my blood pressure medicine since my fourth treatment and it stays at 120/78 now, even when I’m working. Thank you!”

A Testimonial from Pamela R.

“For a long time I have struggled with high blood pressure. I have been changed to several medications because the first I tried weren’t agreeing with me. My BP even on my meds was still running 136/94-140/100 range and every time I would go for a doctor visit, I always dreaded seeing the BP gauge because the first thing I hear is, ‘Are you taking your medications?’ I went to Wal-Mart and checked my BP while there. I have to say I was a bit skeptical about their claims about Migun. To my surprise after only 2 visits, my BP was 130/62. I went to talk to the pharmacist because I had forgotten to take my medication. I was feeling so good. He said I shouldn’t take it until I see my doctor. I was in such disbelief. I decided to try it again. The second time it was 128/60. It hasn’t been that in years. I am amazed and totally trust in this product. It’s an absolute miracle invention.”

A Testimonial from Jim H.

“I am 94 years-old. I bought a Migun bed about two years-ago. I feel that is has kept my cholesterol and blood pressure levels normal. I believe it helps my arthritic shoulder some. I think it may be a factor in keeping my energy levels up. In any case, I don’t hesitate to recommend it for improvement of almost anybody’s overall health.”

A Testimonial from Patricia G. – Mesa, AZ

“I am a cancer survivor. I used to be in a lot of pain and cramps. After one month I no longer have pain or cramps…I have lost 10lbs WOW! I am a diabetic and my count has gone down. Thanks.”

A Testimonial from Beverly

 “I have not been able to give blood in 25 years. I went to see if I could this past week. For the first time ever, my hematocrit was 40 and I was able to give. Usually the hematocrit was 35 to 36. Coming over here is the only change I’ve made in my life. I felt really good to be able to give blood again!”

A Testimonial from Paul B.

“I just had an annual health evaluation. During the process I had my blood taken to test my lipid profile. My overall total cholesterol which was dangerously high, dropped 59 points. My ratio dropped 30%. I have also noticed experiencing deeper sleep and more rest for less hours spent in bed. Therefore, I’m more productive, active all day long. I would highly recommend this bed to anyone!

P.S. I only used the therapy for two months before my health assessment. I can only imagine how my results will be next time!”

A Testimonial from Pat P.

“October 2006 my cholesterol was 220-borderline high. October 2007 my cholesterol was down to 187. All I had done was Migun and red yeast rice. Migun simply makes my body feel better!”

A Testimonial from Betsy L.

“I have been using Migun for over a year. Because I worked, I usually got here 2-3 times a week. After a few months my cholesterol and sugar and BP all improved. Then I got busy and they became problematic again. During this period I exercised regularly and improved my diet (Mediterranean). After 8 months, I returned to Migun back to three days a week, and I began to sleep through the night. In March of this year, I took a break from work. I bought a home and stopped exercising, started eating fast food and felt very guilty. It was time to have my thyroid tested and I told the doctor’s office I did not want the full blood panel at this time as I feared the worst. I must add that since March, I came to Migun faithfully 5-6 times a week. It seemed to be the one constant in my life. When I went for the thyroid test, I had eaten breakfast, as it is fine with this test. The doctor called the lab and asked them to look at the full panel. Yesterday we reviewed the tests and was amazed that my sugar and cholesterol were lower than ever-even with food! The only thing I can attribute this to is consistent, regular use of Migun! Thank you so much!”

Chemotherapy Pain Relief

A Testimonial from Deva F.

“I am writing after having bought a Migun Therapy Table. As a result of chemotherapy and radiation, I was on a very high dose of non-addicting pain medication. I had just consulted with my doctor about further pain treatment options because I was getting worse. Doctors believed the damage to the nerves might be permanent. I heard about the Migun Therapy and tried it. A few days later I realized I had not taken a dose of pain medicine since!!! (I would usually take it as needed). I was surprised, amazed and delighted. My roommate has had cold (icy) feet all her life. She would wear the heaviest available wool socks even in the summer, and would have to spend at least 20 minutes most days with her feet on a heating pad. She went with me to my first trial on the Migun and has not had cold feet since! My sister, who also accompanied us, has chronic severe tension throughout her body and, after some initial pain using the bed that first day, was able to relax and now feels much more comfortable. We are all pleased to have the Migun in our home. The staff at the Asheville office are helpful and delightful. I have told everyone I know about the beds and would recommend it to anyone unless their doctor has cogent reason for them to avoid it. “

A Testimonial from Patricia G. – Mesa, AZ

“I am a cancer survivor. I used to be in a lot of pain and cramps. After one month I no longer have pain or cramps…I have lost 10lbs WOW! I am a diabetic and my count has gone down. Thanks.”

Digestive Improvement Testimonials

A Testimonial from Kerstin D.

“I am looking forward to getting on  Migun every day and I always feel good when I get off! It helps me warm up my body during the cold winter days and lessens my pain due to osteoarthritis in my lower back, neck and shoulder. My digestive problems seem to disappear much quicker now. When I leave from Migun my whole state of mind is good and positive, my quality of life has improved since using Migun.”

A Testimonial from Anonymous

“Almost immediately I felt greater energy and alertness. After some 16 sessions, I feel even more of this improvement, plus much improved digestion and elimination. Also, a lessening of problems with my prostate enlargement and lower back pain. A problem of nascent arthritis in the spine (I am 71 years old) is also becoming noticeably less. The spinal works with this process is enormously relaxing and pleasurable. In summary, I am put in a state of deep relaxation for the entire time-an ‘alpha state’ similar to meditation. To enhance this relaxed state, I find that the accompanying music is very important. The closer you can get to the so-called ‘Baroque-beat’ which is the secret of the learning enhancement method of ‘suggestopedia’ the even more effective the Migun treatment would be/feel. Even without that type of music, it’s ‘WOW!’”

A Testimonial from Elizabeth L. – Tempe, AZ

“After the second day of usage, I was able to sleep and have a bowel movement. As of the third week, my digestive system has improved 100% and the resistance of daily running has also improved 100%.”

A Testimonial from Rosaria S.

“I’ve had constipation problems for many years, after three visits, I had relief from that problems. Also, I’ve had improvements of the back posture. Thanks to Migun I feel like a new person!”

Fibromyalgia / Multiple Sclerosis / Epstein Barr

A Testimonial from Maria D. – Mesa AZ

“I have suffered with back problems since I was 18. In addition to back problems, I also have fibromyalgia. In the two-weeks I have noticed less aches and less tiredness. I am very pleased with the results, especially in such a short time.”

A Testimonial from D. E. B. – Black Mountain, NC

“About six years-ago I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus and symptoms include muscle soreness, swollen glands, sore throat (flu-like) i.e. most ‘flare-ups’ would send me to bed for days. I also have had lifelong back problems, i.e. herniated disc and now degenerative disease. ‘Yikes, just put me out to pasture,’ I used to think. I started using the Migun beds last August (2006). Within the first week I noticed I was sleeping better; within the first 2-3 months (using the beds 3-4x weekly) my immune system was stronger, my ‘flare-ups’ were less frequent and less severe. For years, it’s been difficult for me to drive long distances, fly, or do anything that required a ‘full day of energy’ and if I tried and pushed myself, I’d be sick and unable to function for weeks. After the end of November, I flew to Boston, then drove two and a half hours to Cape Cod and felt strong the whole time I was there. I visited my children and grandchildren…felt strong, clear-headed and had energy to do everything I had hoped. I could never express my gratitude ENOUGH for having found Migun…although it does sound corny, it has given me back my life.”

A Testimonial from Karen P. on 10/03/06

“After six months of using the Migun Therapy 4-5 times a week, I am 90% free from muscle and joint pain due to fibromyalgia. I’ve had CFS and fibro for 6 years. It has also lessened my reactions of chemical sensitivities. Now I have purchased a Migun Therapy Table and expect more improvement and years of better health. My husband is now off of blood pressure meds. Thank you so much Migun and staff! You are wonderful!”

A Testimonial from Dawn V.

“I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and neuropathy. I cannot do any kind of exercise including walking in my neighborhood. I was concerned that Migun Therapy would be too tiring for me. I now try to have 3-4 sessions a week. These illnesses will never go away but since using Migun Therapy, it has relieved some pain and loosened up my body and I feel so much better. The heat and massage relaxes and soothes both body and soul. The first time I tried it, I said I could never go to sleep during Migun Therapy while it was working. I did fall asleep and now I sleep through the whole process. I have a small apartment but if I had room I would buy one. Being able to use the Migun Therapy Table has improved my aches and pains and makes me a much happier person. I have had no difficulties or problems using Migun Therapy.”

A Testimonial from Deborah B. – Novi, MI

“I am writing on behalf of Barbara S., a woman with fibromyalgia, lupus, and arthritis. She is in so much pain that she is unable to function to keep up her home. Barbara has no means of getting out to attend physical therapy. She has found that using the Migun Therapy Table has been helping her in relieving her pain. I feel that this therapy is helping Barbara with her medical treatment. She has gotten more significant benefit from using Migun Therapy on a regular basis than from previous medical therapy…I feel that using this therapy is probably more effective for Barbara with very low chance of side effects. Therefore finding effective means of pain control without side effects is an integral part of medical treatment. I believe that this should be covered under her insurance policy as a medical treatment.”

Headaches / Menstrual Pain

A Testimonial from Anonymous

“This is only my 3rd visit. Normally I get very painful menstrual cramps, but this month I don’t have any. I’m totally addicted! Thank you!”

A Testimonial from Anonymous

“Before I came to Migun, I used to have hot flashes all the time and cramps with my cycle. Now I have neither. Thank you Migun.”

A Testimonial from Cindy C.

“My headaches have decreased! I was referred to the Migun massage beds by my naturopathic doctor for chronic neck & back pain. I have been coming to the Migun center for 2 months and have noticed a decrease in the frequency of headaches I get. For about the last 3 years, I get headaches almost on a daily basis. Since seeing my naturopath and using the Migun, it has decreased to 1~3 x wk. I also notice that I feel much more relaxed after using the bed. I have also been sleeping better. I did not use the bed for a week and immediately noticed that it impacted my sleep. Since reusing, I continue to sleep w/o having to take muscle relaxants.”

A Testimonial from Penny M.

“I just started coming here, this is only my second time. I had a migraine when I got here and by the time I got off the bed my headache was completely gone! I’m a believer!! Thanks Migun.”

A Testimonial from Theresa W. on 11/23/05

“Experiencing severe sinus headache. After using the bed-sinuses were open and headache gone.”

A Testimonial from Lidia C.

“I walk in to Migun w/headache crying. Neck tension. A lot of muscular tension. Pain on sciatic nerve from neck to ankle, constipation could not sleep. No movement on my arms & hands. On my first session I came out laughing, the headache was gone, the stress has diminished with each session, I lost seven pounds in a month. I have released toxins, I have energy to exercise, I finish my work sooner, I sleep better, I have better circulation, and elasticity. Thanks to Migun.”

A Testimonial from Anonymous

“I had the onset of a migraine and used the 15 jade directly on my head…it never became a full-blown migraine.”

A Testimonial from Dawn F.

“Love Migun Therapy! Lost 4lbs in one week-no more stress knots! NO more headaches. Helps with my TMJ as well! I really am a believer! Haven’t taken sleeping pills either! Used to go to the chiropractor once a week for adjustments for headaches and sinus problems.”

Knee Pain / Leg Pain / Arm Pain / Carpel Tunnel

A Testimonial from M. S. F. on 10/04/05

“On my third session, a walnut-size knot was in the left calf. Before the session was over the knot had dissolved (disappeared). Thanks Migun!”

A Testimonial from Pamela B., RN, BSN

“The victim of a head-on auto accident at 55mph in 1997 left me with seven herniated discs. I have spent 10’s of thousands on orthopedic and chiropractic care. The only relief from the pain has come from chiropractic care-and that was improvement, not total pain relief. Since that time, July 13, 2005, I suffered a horse related accident that left me with a torn rotator cuff, fractured arm and damaged left knee. Also, re-injury to my neck. My first Migun treatment was yesterday 10/22/2005 and for four and a half hours following my treatment I was totally pain free with total range of motion restored. I proceeded to go to my barn and totally overdo it-leaving me sore again but my treatment today once again restored me to pain free status with complete range of motion restored. Migun is astounding!”

A Testimonial from Carol R.

“I have suffering with carpal tunnel since November, so severe I’ve been wearing a wrist splint 24/7. In the 5 weeks since starting Migun, a gradual improvement has occurred, so that now I am able to write, draw and paint again! I am still wearing the splint at night, but I feel that it will soon be unnecessary. Thank you, Migun, and the wonderful folks who are offering this gift.”

A Testimonial from Marty on 10/05/05

“I have been unable to straighten my right arm for more than a year and was unable to use my right hand without pain shooing to my elbow. After using Migun Therapy just seven times, my arm is straightening and my hand has more strength and does not hurt my elbow when I use it. I also have a complete feeling of well-being and happiness!”

A Testimonial from Jenna

“I danced ballet for 5 years and when I stopped stretching every day, I started to get cramps in my lower legs and feet. But since I started using Migun I don’t cramp anymore.”

A Testimonial from Meghan

“Three days before coming to the Migun bed, I slammed my bare foot into the corner of a wall. The result was a dislocated toe and bruising over 70% of the top of my foot. I limped in. After one session I noticed that I could gingerly bend my toes and I no longer limped. It sure feels good.”

A Testimonial from L. Sherp

“I was a nurse for 20 years plus and I was injured on the job 15 years ago. I have seen everyone, therapist, doctors. Used medicines, tens units, everything. Nothing worked. I was in daily pain to the point I could not pull up my own pants. I’m young and was scared it would get worse. A friend told me about the bed, I thought, ‘Sure, nothing else works.’ She pushed me until I came in. I was in tears before my visit, I was in so much pain. After two visits I can lift my arm again. I sleep and work and feel great. Thank you for this rescue.”

A Testimonial from J. B.

“Have had knee problem for a couple of years. Have had improvement with treatment but still some pain. After 4 times on the Migun table, I realized that the remaining pain was leaving and the leg feels better.”

A Testimonial from Fran

“Before beginning my visits to Migun, I had difficulty walking because of sore knees, my body was out of alignment, I had pain in my neck and difficulty breathing. After three visits my body aligned itself and my legs, that used to flop to one side when I got in bed at night, stayed straight and my feet stood straight up. My knee pain reduced and after I began to put the small hand-held device on top of me instead of under my neck, the pain was relieved in my neck. I have come in three times per week for months and am without breathing difficulties, and wheezing or knee and neck pain. Recently, I was unable to attend sessions for one week and noticed that my main-drain lymphatic areas were swollen, hot and congested. My neck began to hurt as did my knees and I was having difficulty walking and the wheezing had returned. With the first visit, I felt how sore I had gotten and as the machine went up and down my back I felt like I had ‘come back home.’ I walked out refreshed, calmed and relieved of all of these symptoms. I am grateful for this gift of healing.”

A Testimonial from Irene W.

 “Twelve visits and my varicose veins are about 50% better. Also, my arthritic knees have less pain and stiffness. Thanks to Migun and its wonderful staff.”

A Testimonial from Nicole M.

“As a clinical laboratory scientist, I spend the majority of my work day standing on my feet. Until I found Migun, I would experience great pain in my legs and lots of stress and discomfort in my back. After 2-3 wees, that is no longer a part of my daily life. Also, after long car rides, my tail bone would hurt really bad. I thought I just had to deal with it or sit on a pillow. I just drove to Wilmington, NC and back (6 hours one way) and much to my amazement-NO pain at all. I drove there again in the same vehicle and felt normal when I stepped out of the car. I am very grateful for Migun and I look forward to the day when I can have one of my own. I feel like a new person! Thank you!”

A Testimonial from R. K.

“After my first visit, my tennis elbow felt wonderful. It had been hurting for days.”

A Testimonial from M. J. M.

“Right arm pain coming in. Felt adjustment. Instant relief! Same in lower back. Felt adjustment and relief.”

A Testimonial from Valerie H.

“I’ve been coming to Migun for a few months. Lately I have been able to come more often-at least 3 or 4 times a week. The leg cramps I had have gone and the pain in my side has improved considerably. I’m sleeping better and my digestion has also improved. If I spend 3 or 4 days without coming, I miss it! Thanks, Migun and all the nice people who work here!”

A Testimonial from C. M.

“I had a broken arm after 2 ½ weeks of Migun. They removed the cast and x-rayed, said I didn’t need a new cast. Yay Migun.”

A Testimonial from Barb

“For almost a year both knees had pain when I walked or worked-they ‘popped’ really loud too. After two times on the Migun bed, the pain was gone! No popping either. I am shocked at how quickly this happened!”

Recovery / Illness / Surgical / Addiction / Car Accident

A Testimonial from Anonymous

“I am a recovering addict and believe that the Migun bed is cleansing my body of the unnatural things I have put into it. I am also attacking cigarettes. #1 is God, #2 is friends/loved ones, #3 Migun. Thank you.”

A Testimonial from Joy G.

“When I came to your store, I was having a recurrence of an awful chest cold that I’ve had several times in the last year, with a deep bronchial cough. Usually it takes many weeks to recover. I was into my third or fourth day when I tries Migun Therapy for the first time. The next day I felt better and the following day my chest felt like it dried up, my cough became shallow and infrequent, and I stopped having to blow my nose endlessly. And while I normally have a pain in my right ankle when I wake up, so that I limp a bit until I get warmed up for about an hour-now the discomfort is very mild. I haven’t lost weight but I’ve been able to eat things that normally cause me to gain weight (more carbs and animal products) and I’ve been able to maintain my weight. I’m actually packing to move in the middle of all this. Usually when I do something like that, I eat more food, including chocolate to amp up my energy, and I just have to put up with gaining a few pounds. But this time I’ve been able to maintain my usual weight and my energy has been good. I’ve had just 5 treatments now, 4 per week, and I’m feeling great. Thanks so much for your generosity in making this incredible technology available to us in Asheville! What a great bunch of folks you are.”

A Testimonial from Lorna

“I was nearly killed in a bad car accident 22 years-ago and have had chronic pelvic pain. I had my first Migun treatment today and it was my first day with no pain and I had freer lower body movement.”

A Testimonial from N. C. on 09/29/05

“I was recently in a car accident and I am ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED Migun helped me get back to normal in a matter of days.”

A Testimonial from James M.

“Last summer I incurred a severe case of pneumonia which only began to abate after three rounds of antibiotic treatments. The illness left me depleted to the point I was no longer able to even think about participating in physically demanding activities such as hiking and weight training that previously had been a regular part of my regimen. While I had been gradually improving I was still far from recovered when I came to the Migun Clinic a little over two weeks ago. During that period of time when I had eleven sessions on the Migun bed, my recovery escalated considerably. At this time I am able to hike as well as I did before the pneumonia and I have returned to weight training.”

A Testimonial from Lisa K. – Phoenix, AZ

“On December 18th, 2003, I was in a car accident with injuries to my neck and lower back. I was in constant pain. I went to an osteopath as often as twice a week for months. He adjusted my spine, injected me and over 6 months prescribed anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, and strong pain killers. I was in physical therapy 3 times a week but nothing seemed to help. I had heard about the Migun Therapy Table but was skeptical…however, I was also desperate to find relief and I was afraid I was going to be like that forever. So I was willing to give it a try…couldn’t hurt! Well, it changed my life! Within only 2 weeks I was completely released from physical therapy and I quit taking all those horrible prescriptions. My husband was so impressed that he insisted we buy one. At first using the bed was painful, but I was advised to use additional padding and encouraged to stick with it. I was told that it is only uncomfortable if your spine is not healthy and that eventually you don’t need extra padding and it would become enjoyable. I didn’t believe it, because I had also been dropped on my tailbone 23 years-ago in cheerleading. But, it’s true! Not only is it now comfortable with no padding, I often fall asleep on it! It has helped my husband and my kids. We use it every day and I also think our healthy spines are the reason none of us have been sick since we bought our Migun Therapy Table. I love my Migun!”

A Testimonial from Deva F.

“I am writing after having bought a Migun Therapy Table. As a result of chemotherapy and radiation, I was on a very high dose of non-addicting pain medication. I had just consulted with my doctor about further pain treatment options because I was getting worse. Doctors believed the damage to the nerves might be permanent. I heard about the Migun Therapy and tried it. A few days later I realized I had not taken a dose of pain medicine since!!! (I would usually take it as needed). I was surprised, amazed and delighted. My roommate has had cold (icy) feet all her life. She would wear the heaviest available wool socks even in the summer, and would have to spend at least 20 minutes most days with her feet on a heating pad. She went with me to my first trial on the Migun and has not had cold feet since! My sister, who also accompanied us, has chronic severe tension throughout her body and, after some initial pain using the bed that first day, was able to relax and now feels much more comfortable. We are all pleased to have the Migun in our home. The staff at the Asheville office are helpful and delightful. I have told everyone I know about the beds and would recommend it to anyone unless their doctor has cogent reason for them to avoid it. “

A Testimonial from Fletcher in N.C.

“As an owner of a Migun Therapy Table I am witness to the amazing benefits I received after I was involved in an auto accident on I-40. Riding as a passenger in my neighbor’s car, traveling east in the right line, a tractor trailer truck clipped the left rear corner as it cut into the right lane from the passing lane. This sent the car across the front of the truck and along the left side, banging all the way as we traveled in the wrong direction. My neighbor was able to turn us around so we were going east again and she got us onto the left shoulder banging into the guard rail. We were jerked around feeling like we were in a high agitating washing machine. My neighbor and I both used my Migun bed the next day and we both do not feel stiff. I am blessed to be alive and grateful not to feel the whiplash effects from the accident.”

Professional Testimonials

Daniel W S., D.C., FIAMA, CCSP

As a Chiropractic Physician with expertise in the treatment of sports-related injuries and the practice of Acupuncture for a variety of musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal health issues, I have found the Migun Therapy Table to be an asset to the healing process of my patients.

My personal experience with the use of the Migun Therapy Table and the response from my patients subjectively and objective findings have been very favorable.

I highly recommend Migun Therapy Tables for all approved by the American College of Chiropractic Orthopedists.

Stephen E Owens, DC, DABCO

It has been my good fortune to have discovered Migun Therapy almost three years ago. As a DABCO, with extensive experience in adjunctive therapy; I was instantly impressed with the functional and anatomical effects on good alignment of body mechanics, range of motion and bilateral balance.

My only concern and question was the integrity of the manufacturing, but the sales and service are as dependable as the great design and engineering. I have used the Migun Therapy Table personally (twice a day) and professionally on average of 8-12 hours per day for almost three years without a breakdown or repair except for routine maintenance.

Without a doubt, it is a perfect partner for the busy chiropractic physician, especially for the orthopedic practice. It complements, extends and enhances the corrections/adjustments as well as providing gentle but firm soft tissue mobilization from the legs to the cervical spine. It is ideal for pre or post adjunctive care.

The number of functions it effects is truly amazing!

  • It is used for the evaluation of spinal mobility as a scan as it locates and identifies fixations, spasms and contracted area for documentation.
  • It stimulates lymphatic drainage from soft tissue to clear metabolites for detoxification in paraspinal structures.
  • It provides intersegmental traction and connective tissue stretching for all segments for the spine in extension and flexion. It encourages oxygen into the tissue by mobilization and passive stretching while causing full spine and body extension in a relaxed anti-gravity position.
  • Adding abdominal breathing the patient experiences what I call “motion meditation” with incredible atomic corrections.
  • Balances changes in dysautonomia.
  • Experience changes in height. Many patients report changing the rear-view mirror in the car due to postural changes as they sit and stand taller.

Therefore, I feel the modality effects structure and function as anti-gravity, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and therefore it acts as an anti-aging.

Stephen E Owens, DC, DABCO

Doctor of Integrative Medicine

Dr William K.

I would like to take this time to express how beneficial the Migun massage Table has been for my patients. Fallen in love with how good it feels and what it does for healing the body. Once the patients try Migun Therapy they never look back. Patients insist that we put them on the Migun before we start their regular treatment. At this clinic, we treat all kinds of conditions and since using the Migun Therapy table as part of the treatment regime here I have seen fantastic results. Patents feel better no matter what type of pain they have; they get off the table feeling results. There is a sense of total well being felt by the patients after treating with Migun Thermo Physiotherapy. As you know, I see a lot of patients with spinal pain. The Migun has been a great help for all types of neck and back injuries and why patients seem to get better faster. The Migun is able to deliver deep rolling penetrating intersegmental traction between each vertebra as it moves up and down the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine. The infrared heat is a wonderful therapy and in combination with the rolling traction becomes a powerful healing therapy. My older patients love the way it reduces bone and joint pain. My younger more active patients recover faster from their sports injuries and swear by the benefits of the Migun Treatment Protocol. My patients with headaches have never felt better since I started using Migun Therapy combined with their regular treatment. As you can tell, I will need another table very soon to accommodate my patient’s needs. Thank You Very Much!

Hope Allen P.

I am a physical therapist who does a one-hour hands-on treatment focusing on finding the source of the patient’s pain. I found Migun through a friend, and from the first time laid on the table, I was impressed. I have NEVER found anything that can offer the kind of total body relaxation as well as sacral and spinal mobilization as these tables. I have found that putting my patients on one of these tables prior to treatment has greatly facilitated what I do. By the time they finish a half hour treatment, they are thoroughly relaxed, and their body is primed to be structurally adjusted. WOW, thanks MGUN!

Carl E B., D. C.

I have used the Migun Thermal Massage Table for approximately one year in my clinic. The Migun Therapy Table replaced as intersegmental traction unit (Spinalator). The Migun Table has substantially reduced pain, muscle spasm, inflammation and has increased range of motion in the spinal column. Patients have commented on improved sleep and increased stamina. Every chiropractor should have the Migun Therapy Table in their office to provide as adjunct to the adjustment.

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Migun Therapy Package | November 12, 2024 (draft)Control Holder HY7000U/ HY2100$25.00 | February 27, 2024Light Bulb | February 25, 2024 (draft)Control holder | February 25, 2024 (draft)Therapy Table Cover | February 25, 2024 (draft)Floor Model: HY2100 Migun Therapy Table (Migun Bed)$3,395.00 | January 9, 2024 (draft)Ultrasound Gel EcoVue | July 12, 2023Anatomical Cover for Migun Table$35.00 | April 5, 2023Light Cube – Timer – Emergency Light$15.00 | April 5, 2023Frame Metal$300.00 | April 3, 2023Frame Wood$300.00 | April 3, 2023Mini Wrap Cover$40.00 | March 29, 2023Remote Holder HY7000UM$25.00 | March 29, 2023Focused Ultrasound Refill Cartridge$375.00 | March 28, 2023Focused Ultrasound Skin Rejuvenation Original price was: $1,695.00.Current price is: $1,495.00. | January 4, 2023Migun Therapy Package (Migun Bed)$0.00 | July 22, 2022BrainTap Headset Original price was: $647.00.Current price is: $500.00. | March 22, 2022Therapy Table (Migun Bed)$4,895.00 | March 1, 2022Fuse HY7000UM$12.00 | October 23, 2020Fuse HY7000/HY7000U$12.00 | October 23, 2020Controller Mini Wrap MG3100$109.00 | October 22, 2020Controller Mini Mat MG3600$119.00 | October 21, 2020Technical Support$40.00 | June 15, 2020Migun Professional Package$4,995.00 | April 5, 2018 (draft)HY7000UM Refurbished Factory Certified Migun Therapy Table$2,500.00 | April 5, 2018 (draft)External Cover HY7000U$40.00 | October 6, 2017External Cover HY7000UM$40.00 | October 6, 2017Power Cord (Fits all Migun Models)$25.00 | October 6, 2017Connector Cord HY7000/ HY7000U$45.00 | October 6, 2017Connector Cord HY7000UM$45.00 | October 6, 2017Tension Cover Lower Unit$30.00 | October 6, 2017Tension Cover Upper Unit$30.00 | October 6, 2017Limit Switches (4 Pack)$72.00 | October 5, 2017HY-777 Controller Original price was: $385.00.Current price is: $115.50. | September 22, 2017Mini Mat$425.00 | August 2, 2017Single Mat Original price was: $1,295.00.Current price is: $1,095.00. | June 2, 2017